Registers of foreigners

In addition to registers of citizens who had the right of domicile in a particular community, some municipalities also maintained registers of inhabitants who lived in the village or town but had right of domicile somewhere else. Since these registers list the place where these 'foreigners' maintained right of domicile, they can be helpful in locating the birthplace of these non-native persons.

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 Register of foreigners   (District archive Rokycany, Czech language)

Page from the register of foreigners for Osek, western Bohemia.

English translation of this record

WHY were they collected?  Evidence of inhabitants not having right of domicile
WHEN were they maintained?   1849 – 1948
WHO maintained the lists? Municipal offices
WHAT information can be found? Name, religion, marital status, occupation, date & place of birth, home affilation, type of certificate used for personal identification
In which ARCHIVES are they held? District archives, city archives (records from Prague, Brno, Ostrava, Plzen, and Usti nad Labem)
In which archive FILES can they be found?  Archives of towns or villages
LANGUAGE of records Czech, German
What must be KNOWN before getting started? The place of residence must be known. Entries are recorded in chronological order so usually the whole book or time of interest must be searched through record by record
Czech expression Matrika cizých příslušníků (plural = Matriky cizých příslušníků) 

Collections of records sorted on the territorial basis