Census records availability

Over the years a fair number of the census records have been lost or destroyed. Using this table, you can verify which census records are available based on the place name, former judicial district, current district, or a combination of these parameters. The search isn't case-sensitive and works with or without diacritical marks.

Localities that still exist are shown in UPPERCASE. If a town or village is listed in LOWERCASE, that indicates that the place no longer exists - either was merged with another town or ceased to exist. Under a particular year, you can see in which archive those census records are held.

Please note that the database is not complete: the following districts have not yet been processed:
Benešov, Blansko, Cheb, Jihlava, Karlovy Vary, Kladno, Kolín, Mladá Boleslav, Nymburk, Pardubice, Plzeň - sever, Prague, Prostějov, Rychnov nad Kněžnou, Sokolov, Ústí nad Label, Zlín.

Judicial district: 
Current district: 
Search Options:

 Place   Judicial district   Current district   Population   1857   1869   1880   1890   1900   1910   1921 
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We can retrieve census records for those who prefer not to search on their own. Usually the name of the individual, approximate date of birth, and the name of the village of residence are enough information to locate the original documents, but any additional information will help ensure a successful search.

Please supply as much of the following additional information as possible:

  • head of household
  • house number or address
  • names of spouse, parents & children
  • date(s) & place(s) of birth
  • date(s) & place(s) of marriage
  • date(s) & place(s) of death

Note: Please give approximate dates if the exact dates are unknown. An exact address is needed for census searches in larger towns.

We charge $50 for a complete transcription of the first census record and $40 for each additional census record ordered at the same time.  Each census record lists all members of a household for one census year. The transcriptions are provided in English.

We accept personal checks, money orders & major credit cards. Secure credit card transactions are handled through PayPal.

Please e-mail your census request to:

Please provide all pertinent information along with the address where you would like to have the records sent. Once your request is received, we'll contact you to confirm your order.